Graduate and Professional Student Ombudsperson

The graduate and professional student (GPS) ombudsperson is an independent, confidential, impartial, and informal resource for all graduate and professional students for resolving issues and conflicts, and for exploring options and making important decisions.

The primary mission of the GPS ombudsperson is to support graduate and professional students in addressing issues and challenges they may face in their academic and professional careers at Ohio State. The GPS ombudsperson addresses issues and challenges that students may face with faculty and advisors, within their programs or within the university at large, with the goal of supporting a positive learning and work environment and advancing fairness and equity for graduate and professional students. The GPS ombuds also serves postdoctoral scholars.

Please note

If the graduate and professional ombuds might have a perceived conflict of interest in any given situation, visitors are welcome to reach out to the faculty ombudsperson instead.  

Associate Professor
Department of Spanish and Portuguese


Sensitive or confidential content should not be emailed.


Resources for graduate and professional students.

Please note

While the ombudsperson provides confidential support resources for a wide variety of issues, the ombudsperson has reporting obligations with the Office of Institutional Equity related to sexual misconduct and discrimination complaints. Thus, while the ombudsperson will discuss concerns in these areas with sensitivity and keep your information as private as possible, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. For confidential resources for concern in these areas, please contact a confidential counselor.